what the fuck
what the fuck
for about half an hour today
the pain lifted and I didn’t feel
like my veins were forcing
fiery poison around my limbs
and my thoughts flowed light and clear as a dandelion head floating on
a glassfresh mountain stream
I remembered what it was like
such weightless happiness
I got some stuff done
wrote a poem
made lunch
without wanting
to throw the unfairness of it all
in the shape of a tomato
at the wall
dear universe, if I felt like this all the time
I’d be astonishing
I know it doesn’t work like that
but really, if the only thing your body regularly interrupts your day with is a sneeze
or to remind you to piss or to eat
listen to me, this is urgent
(I have no business telling you this,
envy and despair as unsolicited advice)
but do you love being deep amongst trees or building things bigger than all of us
or just floating about as you please (because fuck no this isn’t about productivity it’s about pleasure)
if yes, but you can’t
I see you, I know
what the fuck is this
I feel you
fiercely hoping