A few inspiring things that other people have said...

"When I have an idea I ask myself, do I know how to do this? And if the answer is yes, I don’t do it – we’ve done that, so let’s not bother". 

David Lan, Young Vic. From a Guardian article on cultural tastemakers here.. http://tinyurl.com/h4e5dou 

I like this. I think it explains a lot of why I seem to have made my working life quite so difficult for myself, but also why I've been lucky in mostly finding work that keeps my soul nourished and gives life a forwards motion.  


And here's something that someone else didn't quite say but I've imagined what it would mean if they had....

“….science centres should be risk-taking pioneers, they should act and not wait..”

“….they should be a locus for crossings between science and life…”

"the new type of science centre cannot merely be a science centre as it has been until now. . . . the new type will be more like a power station (kraftwerk), a producer of new energy."

These are  re-imagined quotes from Alexander Dorner, influential 20th Century museum director, where ‘science centre’ and ‘science’ are substituted in place of ‘museums’ , ‘art’ and ‘art institute’.  I came across Alexander Dorner via Hans Ulrich Obrist's book, Ways of Curating, and have been using them as runway lights as we think about evolving what a science centre is and does and why... 

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